Guide for Authors

Journal of Iran and Central Eurasia Studies


Editorial Policies and Instructions to Authors


Manuscript Preparation and Submission

All papers will be subjected to peer review based on editor screening and refereeing by two anonymous referees. Manuscripts proposals should be submitted via the JICES online portal at If you have questions about your manuscript, please contact

  1. The  principal author is the corresponding author who must enter all the requested information at the time of registration.
  2. Authors’ full names must be listed in the order of their contribution. The contact information of all co-authors, including name, institutional affiliation, rank, and department (e.g., Professor of Political Science), and e-mail address.
  3. Titles and names written in Persian (Farsi) or Russian or other languages must be transliterated before translating and citing.
  4. Submitted articles should be original and not published in other publication. Moreover, the authors must affirm that they have respected all ethical issues by adding the following statement at the end of the last page before the reference section: “The authors declare that they have fully observed all ethical issues including plagiarism, double publication and/or submission, redundancy, data fabrication and/or falsification, informed consent, misconduct, etc.
  5. The articles should not exceed 20 pages of single-spaced text (excluding the references). Ideally, they contain between 5000 and 6000 words.
  6. Article abstract must be between 120 and 250 words, and must summarize the primary research questions, hypothesis, theoretical framework, findings, and conclusion.
  7. Article must have a minimum of seven and maximum of ten keywords, listed in alphabetical order.
  8. Text must be written solely in English, technical words in other languages must be cited at the bottom of each page as footnotes.
  9. Articles must be written in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman font: 18 font size article title; 14 font size authors names; 12 font size for the main text; 11 font size header and footer;10 font size for abstract and keywords, 10 font size for the tables and figures; and 9 font size for the footnotes.
  10. Tables, figures and other illustrations submitted must be sized to fit on a single journal page, and should be of the highest quality and sent on separate pages or files. A title should be included above each illustration; and the source(s) used should be identified below.
  11.  All sources must be cited within the article, in order of: author’s last name, year of publication, pages used.
  12.  If there is no author, the article title comes first, followed by the date of publication.
  13. If there is no date of publication, use the abbreviation(n.d.) which denotes 'no date'.
  14. References should be indented half an inch after the first line.
  15. The authors must use the following guidelines for reference and in-text citations, and consult the 6th edition of the APA Manual of Style for all other questions:


 In-text citations:

Number of Authors


In-text Citation Structure



(Author Surname, Year: Page #).


(Silver, 1997: 28).


(1st Author Surname and 2nd Author Surname, Year: page #).


(Shirnesh and Jafari, 2018: 2).

Three or more

(Author Surname et al., Year: p. #).


(Mohammadi et al., 2007: 68).

Two work from the same author published in the same year

Use lowercase letters after the year (2018a, 2018b, 2018c)

(Mohammadi, 2007a: 92).

(Mohammadi, 2007b, 4).


Bibliography/ reference style:


Number of Authors

References Structure




Author Surname, Author First Name Initial. (Year) Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.


Rhodes, R. (2008) Arsenals of Folly. New York: Vintage.


1st Author Surname, 1st Author First Name Initial and 2nd Author First Name Initial, 2nd Author Surname. (Year) Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.


Cooley, A. and J. Heathershaw. (2017) Dictators Without Borders. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Three or more

1st Author Surname, 1st Author First Name Initial., et al.  (Year) Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.


Paramonov, V., et al. (2009) Russia in Central Asia. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science.



Book published electronically:

Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2010) Central Asia Atlas of Natural Resources. Manila, Philippines: ADB. Amazon Kindle.


Allworth, E., ed. (1994) Central Asia: One Hundred Thirty Years of Russian Dominance, A Historical Overview. Raleigh, Durham: Duke University Press, 3rd Edition. Apple iBook. Available at: (access on 10 July 2017).


Other than the 1st edition:

Roy, O. (2000) The New Central Asia: The Creation of Nations. New York: NYU Press, Revised Edition.


More than one volume:

Hughes, B. and et al. (2009) Reducing Global Poverty. Vol. 1, Patterns of Potential Human Progress Series. New Delhi, India: Paradigm Publishers.


Edited volumes:

One editor:

Legvold, R., ed. (2003) Thinking Strategically: The Major Powers, Kazakhstan, and the Central Asian Nexus. Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences.


Two editors:

Zhang, Y. and R. Azizian, eds. (1998) Ethnic Challenges beyond Borders: Chinese and Russian Perspectives of the Central Asian Conundrum. New York: St. Martin's Press in association with St. Antony's College.


More than two editors, list only the first editor, followed by "et al.":

Menon, R. and et al., eds. (1999) Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia: the 21st Century Security Environment. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.


Chapter or other parts of a book:

Parker, G. (2005) “The Western Way of War,” in G. Parker, ed. The Cambridge History of Warfare. New York: CUP.

Sissenich, B. (2005) “The Transfer of EU Social Policy to Poland and Hungary,” in F. Schimmelfennig and U. Sedelmeier, eds. Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.


For more than two editors, list only the first editor, followed by "et al.":

Boëne, B. (2004) “France as Peacekeeper in Bosnia-Herzegovina,” in J. Callaghan and et al., eds. Warriors in Peacekeeping. Berlin: LIT Verlag Berlin-Hamburg-Münster.


Translated work:

Clausewitz, C. (1940) On War, (J. Graham, trans) in three Volumes. London: Kegal Paul.


Preface, foreword, introduction, or similar parts of a book

Osborn, G. K.  (1988) “Foreword,” in A. F. Krepinevich, The Army and Vietnam. Baltimore, MA: John Hopkins University Press.


Article in a print journal:

No. of Authors


References Structure



Author Surname, Author First Name Initial. (Date of publication) “Article Title,” Journal Title Volume #, Issue #: pages #.

Boyer, A. (2018, Winter) “U.S. Foreign Policy in Central Asia,” Naval War College Review 59, 1: 91-117.

Kazantsev, A. (2008) "Russian Policy in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea Region," Europe-Asia Studies 60, 6: 1073-88.


1st Author Surname, 1st Author First Name Initial and 2nd Author First Name Initial, 2nd Author Surname. (Date of publication) “Article Title,” Journal Title Volume #, Issue #: pages #.


Wallace, R. and K. Naser. (1995) “Firm Specific Determinants of the Comprehensiveness of Mandatory Disclosure in the Corporate Annual Reports of Firms,” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 14, 4: 311-368.


Three or more, [list only the 1st author, followed by "et al."]

1st Author Surname, 1st Author First Name Initial. et al. (Date of publication) “Article Title,” Journal Title Volume #, Issue #: pages #.

Berglund, S., et al. (2006) “Mass Production of Law: Routinization in Transposition of European Directives,” Journal of European Public Policy 13, 5: 692-716.


Article in an online journal:

Rodrigue, M. (2010) “Contrasting Realities: Corporate Environmental Disclosure and Stakeholder-Released Information.” Available at: proceedings/APIRA-2010-114-Rodrigue-Corporate-environmental-disclosure.pdf (accessed 10 August 2011).

Stapleton, B. (2007) “A Means to What End? Why PRTs Are Peripheral to the Bigger Political Challenges in Afghanistan,” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 10, 1. Available at: stapleton.pdf (accessed 4 September 2009).


Multiple work by one author:

Kuznets, S. (1959) “On Comparative Study of Economic Structure and Growth of Nations,” in R. W. Goldsmith, ed. The Comparative Study of Economic Growth and Structure. New York: NBER.

———. (1966) Modern Economic Growth: Rate, Structure, and Spread. New Haven: Yale University Press.


Working paper or report:

Linos, K. (2004) “How can International Organizations Shape National Welfare States? Evidence from Compliance with EU Directives,” Center for European Studies Working Paper 107, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Arkin, R. C. (2007) “Governing Lethal Behavior: Embedding Ethics in a Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive Robot Architecture,” Report GIT-GVU-07-11. Atlanta, GA: Georgia Institute of Technology’s GVU Center. Available at: ai/robot-lab/online-publications/formalizationv35.pdf (accessed 6 July 2011).


Magazine article:

Moskalu, V. (2017, December 18) "Ukraine is Sliding Back into Soviet-Style Authoritarianism," Newsweek. Available at: (accessed 2 April 2018).


Newspaper article:

Khan, T. (2017, March 14) "Russia Hopes to Rope in Taliban for Afghan Talks," Express Tribute. Available at: (accessed 16 January 2018).


Book Review:

Book review published in a Journal:

Nekbakhtshoev, N. (2018) “Review of Dictators without Borders: Power and Money in Central Asia by A. Cooley, New Haven: Yale University Press,” Central Asian Survey 37, 2: 322-339.


Book review published online:

Clemens, W. (2018) “Review of Trump / Russia: A Definitive Historyby S. Hettena, Newport, RI: Melville House.” Available at: book-review/trump-russia-definitive (accessed 16 May 2018).


Paper posted on the website of an institution:





Known Author

Authors Name(s). (Date Published) “Article Title,” Name of Institute/Title of Webpage. Available at: URL (Date retrieved).


Simcox, R. (2012, December 27) “Ansar al-Sharia and Governance in Southern Yemen,” Hudson Institute. Available at: research/9779-ansar-al-sharia-andgovernance-in-southern-yemen (accessed 28 December 2012).


Unknown Author

Name of Institute. (Date Published) Article Title/Webpage. Available at: URL (Date retrieved).


Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE). (2010) About SSE. Available at: us/ps/about/bi.shtml (accessed 10 August 2011).


Unknown Webpage and/or

Article Title

Authors Name(s). (Date Published) Available at: URL (Date retrieved).

Esmaeli, S. (2012). Available at: (accessed 2 April 2017).


Paper presented at a meeting or conference

Leiber, S. (2005, March-April) “Implementation of EU Social Policy in Poland: Is there a Different Eastern World of Compliance?” Paper Presented at the Ninth Biennial International Conference of the European Union’s Studies Association, Austin, TX, USA.

Paper published in a conference proceedings

Dingledine, R. et al., (2004) “Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router,” in the Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Security Symposium. Available at: sec04/tech/dingledine.html (accessed 27 December 2018).


Government documents:

United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia.U.S. Policy in Central Asia. Hearings, 6 June 2001. 107th Cong. 1st Session. Washington, DC: GPO, 2001.

Russian Federation. (2014, 20 April) Concept of the Russian Federation’s State Policy in the Area of International Development Assistance (Unofficial Translation, Approved by Decree No. 259 of the President of the Russian Federation). Available at: en/foreign_policy/official_documents/-/asset_publisher/CptICkB6BZ29/content/ id/64542 (accessed 28 December 2012).

UK National Archive. (n.d.) Military Maps of the First World War. Available at: (accessed 4 March 2018).


Thesis or dissertation:

Lyons, S. T. (1999) Uzbek Historical Fiction and Russian Colonialism, 1918-1936, PhD Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.

Schartner, F. (2017) Dependence and Coercion in the Shared Neighborhood: How Russia Influenced the South Caucasus in their Path to EU Association, MA Thesis, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.

Taussig, E. (2018) Authoritarian Resurgence. Power, Politics and the Making of Foreign Policy in Russia and China, PhD Dissertation, the Fletcher School, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA.


PowerPoint presentation:

Agah, Y. F., WTO Deputy Director-General (presenter). (2017, July) “Current Trends on Economic and Trade Policy and the Advancement of Sustainable Development,” PowerPoint Presentation on Sustainable Development. Available at: ecosoc/sites/www.2017doc/DDG-Agah-HLPD-July-2017.ppt (accessed 12 August 2018).


Blog entry or comment:

Author name(s). (Date Published) “Article Title,” Web log post. Available at: URL (Date retrieved).


Golzadeh, Z. (2018, May 18) "Most Breathtaking Landscapes You Must See in Iran," Iran Travel Blog. Available at: (accessed 4 June 2018).


Kuhn, A. (2017, May 16). “For China's 'New Silk Road,' Ambitious Goals and More Than a Few Challenges," Parallels- National Public Radio Blog. Available at: (accessed 16 January 2018).



Sources written in a different language than English:


General Style



Author name(s). (year) “Title in original language (Title translated into English),” Publication name in original language (Publication name translated into English). Volume/issue/page information.

(In ‘language’)


Moshirzadeh, H. (2017, Spring) “Sonat-e waq’e garaa-ye dar iran (the Tradition of Realism in Iran),” Faslnameh-ye siasat (Political Quarterly) 47, 1: 201-220. (In Persian)



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